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Animikh Roy is an Astrophysicist at the University of Sussex, in England and an independent AI Consultant for Tech-Enterprises, with passion & expertise in STEM oriented interdisciplinary applications of Physics, Mathematics  & Computer Science leveraging advances in  Astrophysics, Topological Data Analytics, Deep Learning and Data Science. He is the Founder & Chairman of a multi-modal Generative AI start-up based in USA, with operations in Bangalore, India. Roy is a Transhumanist thinker and an avid multi-tasker with  Kinesthetic Synesthesia & a Mensa IQ score of 149. He aims to pursue research in Gravitational Wave Astronomy with LIGO while contributing towards the understanding of “Dark Matter” & making humankind an Interplanetary-Species!

Research Interests

Source Credits: LIGO Open Science Center; LIGO Lab Caltech : MIT

 Gravitational Wave (GW) Astronomy:


  • Detector Noise & GW Signal Extraction with SNR studies                                                                       

  • LIGO Data Analysis with Topological Graph Theory & R-K Diagrams                                                                                         

  • Binary-Merger Signal Classification & Search for Primordial Black Hole Dark Matter using ML & TDA            

  • Neutron Star Mergers & Multi-Messenger Astronomy 


​Astrophysics & Cosmology:


  • Tests of GTR, Particle Trajectories & Stable Circular Orbits in Schwarzschild Geometry                                                          

  • Reisner-Nordstrom-de Sitter Black Holes with Magnetic Monopoles                                                                           

  • The Rotating Geometry of Kerr-Newman Black Holes          

  • Penrose Diagrams of Rotating-Black Holes & Wormholes     

  • Primordial Black Hole (PBH) Formation scenarios in the Early Universe, PBHs as Candidate Dark Matter                   

  •  PBH Spin Distribution & Mass Windows                             

  •  Geometric Classification of PBHs with corresponding Penrose Diagrams



Original Work


Original Publication :


Animikh Roy, Andor Kesselman, "A Novel Approach to Topological Graph Theory with R-K Diagrams & Gravitational Wave Analysis" (2021)

arXiv:2201.06923 [astro-ph.HE]

Original Publication (In-progress)

Animikh Roy, Andor Kesselman, "Classification of Compact Binary Mergers and the Search for PBH Signatures with R-K Diagrams" (2022)

Original Thesis:

Animikh Roy, "Primordial Black Holes as Candidate Dark Matter & their Detection using Gravitational Wave Analysis", University of Sussex (2021)

Advisor: Dr. Christian Byrnes 


Work Ex.png

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning & Natural Language Processing :


IntegraMicrosystems, Bangalore, India (2019-present)


  • Product Manager & Lead R&D Consultant   


  • Headed R&D product development of Chatbot & KnowledgeBot for Indian Bank                                                                       

  • Conceptualized & Headed Project Hermes: 1st of its kind Universal Virtual Assistant for Industry 4.0 combining cutting edge NLP & ML with Robotic Process Automation, Big-Data Analytics & Data Visualizations on-the-fly! 

Data-Science & Big-Data Analytics :

​, California, USA (2018-2021)


  • Senior Lead in R&D and Data Science                                                

  • Responsible for leading R&D in AI & ML projects for US Enterprises & International Client 


  • Heading Product Demos  & Client Presentations 


  • Building Custom Data Science and ML Models across various domains 


  • Leading R&D on Augmented Analytics, Predictive Analytics & Prescriptive Analytics   


  • Defining objectives and features for product development based on advances in AI driven Big-Data Analytics & market research

Executive & Leadership


ShowVelvet, Kolkata, India (2016-2018)


  • Co-Founder & Executive Director  


  • Business Conceptualization & Product Development                                                                     

  • Team Building, Event Management & Execution


  • Heading Product Presentations, Organizing Press Conferences & Public Relations Management


  • Business Development, Market Research & Business Analysis 



Animikh Roy

Department of Astronomy

School of Mathematical & Physical Sciences

University of Sussex

Falmer Campus

Brighton BN1 9QH

United Kingdom 

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